All systems are go

Don't agree with this? Please let us know

  • My Dundee and learning tools
    • Blackboard (My Dundee)
    • Collaborate Ultra
    • ExamOnline
    • MedBlogs
    • Moodle
    • Questionmark OnDemand
    • Turnitin
    • Yuja

      Learning and Teaching video storage

  • Wifi and wired network
    • eduroam wifi
    • Wired network
    • _TheCloud
    • StudentResidences
  • eVision
  • SEAtS

    Digital attendance management system

  • Telephones
  • Library systems
    • Library search
    • Entrance gates
  • Identity, passwords, and login
    • Password change portal
    • Single sign-on (Azure AD)
    • Life Sciences AD
  • Desktops
    • Staff desktop (Windows 10)
    • Student desktop (Windows 10)
    • Managed Mac (Jamf) desktop
    • MyDesktop

      The University of Dundee’s virtual desktop environment

  • Email

    Your email via Office 365

  • Business administration systems
    • SITS
    • OPD booking system (Aspire)
    • OneUniversity
  • Printing
    • pay2print
    • Network printers in staff offices
  • Research systems
    • Discovery portal (Pure)
  • High Performance Compute (HPC) Cluster
  • Storage and files
    • OneDrive
    • H:\
    • S:\
    • Research File Store (RFS)
    • Research File Store Cluster
  • Web Services

    Content management systems, portals, web hosting, web analytics, user experience design, and URL management. Also includes website and mobile application development.

    • UoD App

      Previously known as Library App, Mobile App, CampusM

    • T4 content management system
    • Drupal Aegir CMS
    • WordPress blog network
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Timetabling and room bookings
    • LibCal (Library room bookings)
    • Resource Booker
  • Applications
    • AppsAnywhere
  • Learning Spaces Technology
Upcoming maintenance and changes

[Scheduled] OneUniversity Annual Leave - suspension period update

  • Business administration systems
  • OneUniversity

Dear colleagues

People Directorate People Systems will shortly be undertaking work in the OneUniversity system to reflect the transition to the new 35-hour working week and 42 days annual leave entitlement as part of harmonisation.

We previously envisaged this work would take place from Friday 26 July to Wednesday 31 July and would necessitate a temporary suspension of the leave area of the system.

We are pleased to advise that the team have reduced the suspension period and it will now run from 12:00 (midday) on Wednesday 31 July to 9:00 on Thursday 1 August.

During this time, you will not be able to use the system to book, amend or cancel annual leave or sickness absence. This can be agreed verbally with your manager and then requested using the system once the work is complete.

You will still be able to use the recruitment and remaining self-service functionality throughout this time.

As the financial year end is on Wednesday 31 July, please ensure all annual leave taken up to this date is recorded in OneUniversity before the temporary suspension of the leave area of the system.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding. 

Kind Regards,

People Systems Team  People Directorate 

Previous notices

[Resolved] Lost Access to Microsoft Applications on iPhone

Began: Ended: Duration:

We are aware of an issue for a small number of users accessing Microsoft applications on iPhones and iPads. Users receive the error "Compliance policies haven't been assigned to this device".

We are currently investigating and will update this post with progress. In the meantime, as a workaround the web versions of the applications can be used - to access email please visit the University Staff webpage and launch email from there (MFA may be required).

We continue to investigate this issue and thank you for your patience.

If you are affected by this and have not yet raised a call, please do so by visiting our Self-Service Portal > Log a ticket here - in the brief description box type "iPhone - Lost access to applications", and please provide a note of the application(s) you are trying to access and your iPhone version e.g. iPhone12, iPhone15 etc in the details area, if you have a screenshot of the error please upload this too.

We've identified the issue and carried out a fix.

Please attempt to access the applications again - you may need to reinstall if they have been removed from your device e.g. Outlook, Teams. If you are still unable to access the applications please try opening the Company Portal App > settings > Sync before trying again.

If this resolves your issue please let us know by visiting the Self-Service Portal > click on Track my tickets > select the appropriate ticket > add a reply > click Close.

If the issue is not resolved for you, please follow the steps above (minus the Close step) to let us know.

Thanks for your continued patience.

We've now resolved this issue. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] Worldwide Major IT Issues

Began: Ended: Duration:

Dear students and colleagues,

There is a global issue being reported across the media this morning of major IT outages affecting airlines, banks and media.

Microsoft have issued a worldwide warning of possible issues affecting Microsoft 365 apps and services.

I wanted to assure you that, at the time of writing, the University’s IT systems do not seem to have been affected.

We will continue to post any updates on the Digital Technology Services system status page

If you do experience any service issues then please do make us aware

I would also ask that you remain vigilant when opening any emails received from unfamiliar addresses or which look suspect, or clicking on any unsolicited or unfamiliar links. Vigilance is our own first line of defence against cyber attack.

Bob McGregor Head of Cyber Security

An update with regards to the global issue being reported across the media this morning of major IT outages affecting airlines, banks and media.

I wanted to assure you with this update that, at the time of writing, the University’s IT systems do not seem to have been affected.

There have been 2-3 issues with 3rd-party suppliers of cloud based services to UoD - these have either been restored to service quickly or the 3rd party supplier is focussing on restoring to service as soon as possible.

DTS staff will continue to monitor the situation - and regular updates will be provided over this weekend.

An update with regards to the high profile global issue being reported across the media of ongoing major IT outages affecting airlines, banks and media.

I wanted to reassure you with this update that the University’s IT systems do not seem to have been affected.

There have been 2-3 issues with 3rd-party suppliers of cloud based services to UoD - these have either been restored to service quickly or the 3rd party supplier is focussing on restoring to service as soon as possible.

DTS staff will continue to monitor the situation - and regular updates will be provided over this weekend.

An update with regards to the high profile global issue being reported across the media of ongoing major IT outages affecting airlines, banks and media.

I wanted to reassure you with this update that the University’s IT systems do not seem to have been affected.

There have been 2-3 issues with 3rd-party suppliers of cloud based services to UoD - these have either been restored to service quickly or the 3rd party supplier is focussing on restoring to service as soon as possible.

DTS staff will continue to monitor the situation - and regular updates will be provided over this weekend.

An update with regards to the high profile global issue being reported across the media of ongoing major IT outages affecting airlines, banks and media.

I wanted to reassure you with this update that the University’s IT systems do not seem to have been affected.

There have been 2-3 issues with 3rd-party suppliers of cloud based services to UoD - these have either been restored to service quickly or the 3rd party supplier is focussing on restoring to service as soon as possible.

DTS staff will continue to monitor the situation - and regular updates will be provided over this weekend.

An update with regards to the high profile global issue being reported across the media of ongoing major IT outages affecting airlines, banks and media.

I wanted to reassure you with this update that the University’s IT systems do not seem to have been affected.

There have been 2-3 issues with 3rd-party suppliers of cloud based services to UoD - these have either been restored to service quickly or the 3rd party supplier is focussing on restoring to service as soon as possible.

DTS staff will continue to monitor the situation - and regular updates will be provided over this weekend.

An update with regards to the high profile global issue being reported across the media of ongoing major IT outages affecting airlines, banks and media.

I wanted to reassure you with this update that the University’s IT systems do not seem to have been affected.

There have been 2-3 issues with 3rd-party suppliers of cloud based services to UoD - these have either been restored to service quickly or the 3rd party supplier is focussing on restoring to service as soon as possible.

DTS staff will continue to monitor the situation.

An update with regards to the high profile global issue being reported across the media of ongoing major IT outages affecting airlines, banks and media.

I wanted to reassure you with this update that the University’s IT systems have not been affected.

There have been 2-3 issues with 3rd-party suppliers of cloud based services to UoD - these have all been restored to service quickly (by the respective 3rd party supplier).

DTS staff will continue to monitor the situation.

I confirm that the University’s IT systems were not affected by the CrowdStrike Issue.

There is no longer a requirement for this awareness message to be active.

Thanks for your patience.

No further notices from the past 7 days.