Migration to Teams Telephony

Monday, 15 November 9 hours

The work is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The work is underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


During Monday 15th November, our telephony provider will be making changes to our telephony infrastructure to facilitate the move to Teams telephony.

Whilst the work is being undertaken, there may be a short disruption to live calls in which you may be disconnected. If this is the case, please hang up and redial. If after 20 minutes you still cannot make a telephone call using a Cisco handset, please log into the Self Service Portal (help4u.dundee.ac.uk) and log a ticket quoting change number C2111-020 in the Brief Description field.

From Tuesday 16 November, Schools and Directorates will begin switching over to Teams Telephony in planned phases beginning with UoD IT.

For more information on the project please visit the Unified Communications Project SharePoint site. https://dmail.sharepoint.com/sites/uoditnews/SitePages/Unified-Communications%20Project.aspx

Began at:

Affected components
  • Telephones