
Blackboard have confirmed that their solution to this issue is in place and it has fixed the issue for the majority of our users at UoD. 

However, they have noted that due to the nature of DNS, it takes time for this solution to reach everyone and as a result some users are still experiencing access issues. If you are still seeing this issue, and have already tried flushing the DNS using the steps provided in the previous update, you can manually update the DNS to Google's public DNS servers. 

You can use this guide for details on how to configure your local machine to use Google's DNS servers. 

If you are still having issues after using Google's DNS servers, please let us know via Help4U!

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Latest update from Blackboard on their status page

Resolved - This update is to let you know that the DNS changes that occurred yesterday have been rolled back and any issues related to this change are now resolved, we are currently working with our vendors to ensure that such incidents do not happen in the future.

While we are confident that the issue has been resolved, we understand that some users may still experience problems. This is because the DNS server propagation process may not have completed for those who are connected to certain Internet Service Providers (ISPs). However, please be assured that this issue will resolve itself over time as the Time to Live (TTL) on the ISP DNS servers expires and the servers update accordingly.

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Blackboard applied a service level fix yesterday evening (Tuesday 25th April), and this appears to have resolved the issue in most cases.

Please follow Blackboard status pages for progress and updates.

If you are still affected by this issue and have not yet logged a ticket please do so here by clicking on the Broad service disruptions then "I am affected by this disruption"

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Blackboard have advised that they expect this issue to be resolved by 17.00 this evening (Tuesday 25th April 2023). Please follow their status page for further updates.

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For updates on this issue and instructions on a potential individual user level fix please look at CTIL's blog post

Blackboard status pages are here please click to find out the progress and updates on this issue.

If you are affected by this issue and have not yet logged a ticket please do so here by clicking on the Broad service disruptions then "I am affected by this disruption"

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This issue affecting some users accessing MyDundee/Blackboard and connections with services like Turnitin continues to be investigated by Blackboard. Blackboard status pages are here please click to find out the progress and updates on this issue.

If you are affected by this issue and have not yet logged a ticket please do so here by clicking on the Broad service disruptions then "I am affected by this disruption"

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There is currently an intermittent issue that is affecting some users accessing MyDundee/Blackboard and connections with services like Turnitin.

Blackboard status pages are here please click to find out the progress and updates on this issue.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • My Dundee and learning tools
    • Blackboard (My Dundee)
    • Collaborate Ultra
    • ExamOnline
    • MedBlogs
    • Moodle
    • Questionmark OnDemand
    • Turnitin
    • Panopto