
The Blackboard iOS App issue has now been resolved.

Thanks for your patience.

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Blackboard Development has now released a fix for the iOS APP issue.

If you are an iOS user please download the latest version ( 9.1.2 ) from the Apple store and re-install/update the App

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Just to let you know that Blackboard External Support is confident they have a fix for our issue and are currently packaging the App and will push it to the Apple Store today.

We will let you know when the updated App is tested and available.

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This investigation is still ongoing with the Blackboard iOS App issue, in the meantime, you can still access MyDundee on your iOS device by using the Web Version(preferably through Chrome, not Safari) access can be found on the Student Homepage then click on MyDundee

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Update from External Support - The issue with Blackboard iOS App is still unresolved and we are still working on a resolution.

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There is an issue when Signing on with the Blackboard App.

It is taking users to a content area they have no rights to.

Our external vendor is looking into this and we will update you when they have a resolution.

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Affected components
  • My Dundee and learning tools
    • Blackboard (My Dundee)
    • Collaborate Ultra
    • ExamOnline
    • MedBlogs
    • Moodle
    • Questionmark OnDemand
    • Turnitin
    • Panopto