Windows Defender Update - Removing Taskbar, Start Menu and Desktop Shortcuts


Microsoft has now marked this incident as resolved, we have identified and emailed users who were impacted by this incident and will be following up on any issues found.

Thanks for your patience.

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Microsoft has confirmed the core issue has been identified and patched, we will be dealing with individuals directly who have been impacted by a loss of Shortcuts, Start Menu or taskbar icons.

If you have been impacted please get in touch via

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We are aware of current issues with Microsoft Windows Defender that result in the loss of the Taskbar, Start menu and Desktop Shortcuts.

Microsoft is investigating this issue and are aiming to deploy a fix as soon as possible.

We are aware this is impacting users within the University of Dundee and are following Microsofts recommended steps for remediation.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused


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Began at:

Affected components
  • Desktops
    • Staff desktop (Windows 10)
    • Student desktop (Windows 10)
    • MyDesktop