
Update from Microsoft- We've monitored the environment and confirmed that the service is performing as expected. If a user is still experiencing impact, they need to restart their clients to recover.

Thanks for your patience


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Update from Microsoft - We’ve identified the root cause and performed mitigation actions. We’re seeing signs of recovery and will continue to monitor the service. Users still experiencing impact should restart their clients to expedite recovery.

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Update from Microsoft-

User Impact: Users may experience degraded chat functionality.

More info: Impacted functionality includes, but is not limited to:

  • Can't send or receive messages
  • Some Channels may not appear
  • Can't join channels
  • Can't join chats

Current status: We've identified errors within the chat service and are investigating these further to identify the source of the issue.

Scope of impact: Initial indications suggest that any user could be affected by this issue.

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Microsoft is currently investigating an issue with Microsoft Teams that has caused degraded functionality globally.

We will continue to update this status page with updates from Microsoft but you can also check their latest status on Twitter here -

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