FileMaker Server Upgrade

Friday, 2 June 23 hours and 55 minutes

The work is now complete. Thanks for your patience.

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The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


On Friday 02 June 2023, we’re upgrading the FileMaker Server to a newer version, during which time the service will be temporarily unavailable throughout the entire day.

The FileMaker Server is currently running version 18. We must upgrade FileMaker Server to version 19 to ensure the latest support and updates are maintained and available.

The FileMaker Pro Client or Web Direct access methods will not be affected by this upgrade, and will continue to work as normal; however, users may have to take some additional steps to be able to connect to the new server and access their data. For more information visit our FileMaker Server Interruption Service Announcement.

While we don't expect any issues, sometimes unexpected things happen. We'll update this post with progress.

Change reference: 2206-2699

Began at: