Phishing attempt - aimed at Students - relating to unpaid Tuition Fees - be alert


Earlier this week , the Cyber Security Team completed their mitigation actions , we kept this post open for awareness purposes.

We are no longer receiving calls in relation to this issue - and on that basis , declaring this issue resolved.

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Our Cyber Security Team have taken steps to mitigate this issue.

In the meantime , this post remains active for awareness purposes

Over this weekend , several calls were raised by students in relation to a Phishing attempt - a copy of the message is below

"Hello, Despite our previous reminder, we are still seeing a delay in payment of your tuition fees in the amount of (£)1550. Furthermore, if your debt is not settled before 15/12/24 , we will have to forward your file to our legal department. You can pay for your tuition: · By bank transfer to the account below. To do this, you must indicate your “first and last name” as a reference.

And send proof of payment to this email address ACC NAME: University of Dundee ACC NUMBER: 33361768 SORT CCODE: 30-99-88_"

If you do receive this email ..

Please use the following guide for reporting Phishing emails: University guide for reporting Phishing emails

Additionally, in the case that you've interacted with an email like this, please use the following guide: University guide for what to do after you've interacted with a spam or phishing email

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Our Cyber Security Team have taken steps to mitigate this issue.

In the meantime , this post remains active for awareness purposes

Over this weekend , several calls were raised by students in relation to a Phishing attempt - a copy of the message is below

"Hello, Despite our previous reminder, we are still seeing a delay in payment of your tuition fees in the amount of (£)1550. Furthermore, if your debt is not settled before 15/12/24 , we will have to forward your file to our legal department. You can pay for your tuition: · By bank transfer to the account below. To do this, you must indicate your “first and last name” as a reference.

And send proof of payment to this email address ACC NAME: University of Dundee ACC NUMBER: 33361768 SORT CCODE: 30-99-88_"

If you do receive this email ..

Please use the following guide for reporting Phishing emails: University guide for reporting Phishing emails

Additionally, in the case that you've interacted with an email like this, please use the following guide: University guide for what to do after you've interacted with a spam or phishing email

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Our Cyber Security Team have taken steps to mitigate this issue.

In the meantime , this post remains active for awareness purposes

Over this weekend , several calls were raised by students in relation to a Phishing attempt - a copy of the message is below

"Hello, Despite our previous reminder, we are still seeing a delay in payment of your tuition fees in the amount of (£)1550. Furthermore, if your debt is not settled before 15/12/24 , we will have to forward your file to our legal department. You can pay for your tuition: · By bank transfer to the account below. To do this, you must indicate your “first and last name” as a reference.

And send proof of payment to this email address ACC NAME: University of Dundee ACC NUMBER: 33361768 SORT CCODE: 30-99-88_"

If you do receive this email ..

Please use the following guide for reporting Phishing emails: University guide for reporting Phishing emails

Additionally, in the case that you've interacted with an email like this, please use the following guide: University guide for what to do after you've interacted with a spam or phishing email

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Over this weekend , several calls were raised by students in relation to a Phishing attempt - a copy of the message is below

"Hello, Despite our previous reminder, we are still seeing a delay in payment of your tuition fees in the amount of (£)1550. Furthermore, if your debt is not settled before 15/12/24 , we will have to forward your file to our legal department. You can pay for your tuition: · By bank transfer to the account below. To do this, you must indicate your “first and last name” as a reference.

And send proof of payment to this email address ACC NAME: University of Dundee ACC NUMBER: 33361768 SORT CCODE: 30-99-88_"

If you do receive this email ..

Please use the following guide for reporting Phishing emails: University guide for reporting Phishing emails

Additionally, in the case that you've interacted with an email like this, please use the following guide: University guide for what to do after you've interacted with a spam or phishing email

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Email