Temporary Performance Issues - Ground Floor of Main Library - Printing and Wireless access


Confirmation that Printing and Wireless services on the Ground Floor of the Main Library are restored.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

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For information , we have identified issue with network printers and wireless availability on the Ground Floor of the main library.

The cause is a faulty network switch.

The impact of this is that

  • wireless access may be intermittent on the Ground Floor of the main library
  • It is not possible to print to the printers on the Ground Floor of the main library

Printers on other floors of the library are NOT affected Wireless access on other floors of the library are NOT affected

DTS staff are currently working on restoring this (localised) interruption to print and wireless service.

Both services should be restored before 12 noon today.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Wifi and wired network
    • Eduroam wifi
    • Network Infrastructure
    • _TheCloud
    • StudentResidences
  • Printing
    • My Print (Managed Devices)
    • Mobility Print (Personal Devices)